





Oh Lordy How They Could Love

no other weather like this
moist gray ghostly      hot
morning unease      who’s
trying to get in touch

let’s say I need comfort      is this
overcast 7AM low and birdless sky
the lost family      is my cousin Jean there the cousin who taught me
all the verses of “Frankie and Johnnie” when I was a small
child loving the sound of “rooty toot toot
three times she shot right through that hardwood door”
having no idea this meant murder for infidelity      dear god the things

we have to learn in this life the complications
nothing’s simple melody but hundred-part harmony
dissonance      let’s say comfort isn’t knowledge but belief:

certainty for no good reason that a true
inherited body sustains us gathering as much
August warmth as possible      at least

I can say hello to whatever it is
ask what it needs      as if I can answer

Holly Prado
from Oh, Salt/ Oh, Desiring Hand


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